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We have policies in place that help guide how we manage the business of West Herts Homes. All policies are approved by the Board and are reviewed on a regular basis.

For further information on, or to receive a copy of any of our policies please get in touch.

Our key policies include:

Rents and Service Charges

Rents and service charges are usually reviewed every year, with changes becoming effective in April. Variations to rents are made according to a formula set by the government, and at present are based on the CPI % figure each September. Variations to service charges are based on actual costs, and following consultation with tenants. 

Complaints and Compliments

We welcome compliments when we have provided a particularly helpful level of service.

We are members of the Housing Ombudsman scheme, and our policy is to ensure that wherever possible complaints are dealt with as informally and as quickly as possible.


Most repairs will be the responsibility of West Herts Homes to carry out as a landlord. We aim to deal with all request for repairs promptly and efficiently. Further details are given under the “Repairs” section on the top contents bar to this site. 

Equality and Diversity

West Herts Homes embraces equality and diversity, and this commitment runs through all our policies and working practices.  We welcome the benefits that having a diverse workforce and a diverse customer base brings to our operations and decision making. 


We will offer accommodation to people who apply to us directly, or who are referred to us by a local authority or other statutory body. Our allocations policy ensures that people are provided with accommodation based on the priority of their need.  


Having an effective process for assessing risks is essential to the running of our business, and is a central part of our governance. Work on risk analysis is always ongoing and is reviewed by both our Board and our Audit Committee.

Health and Safety

Keeping our tenants and members of our staff team safe is one of our top priorities. All our properties are inspected on a regular basis, and our Board receive updates on health and 3 times each year.    

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